September 06, 2005

Keith Olbermann: Not Pissing On Our Backs....

Long day today, but I have one question: Why does it take a guy from ESPN to actually report stuff and speak his mind? No wonder his show has better ratings than most on the cable news networks.

Keith, you rock. Thanks for having balls.


Blogger Neal Synephrine said...

Umm, that's MSNBC, not ESPN.

10:18 AM  
Blogger The Raving Badger said...

No, actually, he started on ESPN, and is back there again with Dan Patrick as of the first week of August. Why do you think he dresses better than the other dickheads like Tucker Carlson?

Besides, point is- the guy is a sportscaster doing a better job than the Tim Russert's, Cokie Roberts, Bob Novaks, etc. who are the political pros. Our media isn't liberal. It's full of Bush apologists who have to be spoonfed stories and spin by Rove and Bartlett.

10:23 AM  

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