August 01, 2005

Rick Santorum Thinks His Nuts Have Dropped

And he clearly is mistaken. Shitbag Rick has come out taking pot shots at Hillary Clinton. Not only did he rip off the title to her book "It Takes a Village" for his own book, but now he wants a public debate about family values issues with her.

What a pretentious dick.

Hillary, don't take the bait. Don't drink the Kool-Aid. Hell, don't even respond. That prick isn't worthy of drinking your urine. Moreover, you really ought to sue his sorry ass just for being the dickhead cunt he is and taking up valuable space in the Senate building. I say you should imminent domain him into oblivion on the rationale that his desk would be better used as firewood than as a place for him to bend over while Dubya (or Jeff Gannon/Guckert) buggers his manpussy.

Rick "Man-Dog Sex" Santorum spends waaaaayyy too much time thinking about other people's sex lives (gay sex in particular). He's made a complete ass of himself on the issue of the Catholic priest scandal and certainly insinuates it's the victims' faults. He now is saying he wants a Constitutional amendment banning abortion.

Tell you what, Ricky Scrotum, why don't we spend all that money you'll waste on "hearings" and build a time machine, go back in time and convince your mother what a shitbag you'll turn out to be and give her the money for a back room abortion (pre-Roe afterall) and make sure your ass was never born??? It would be a far better use of taxpayer monies than letting you persist in your wetdreams of a culture war. You know an amendment would never happen. You know you're just posturing, and you know what else... your numbers are way down in PA. Why don't you just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing your constituents, your state, your party and your country?

But if you can't resist opening your mouth and really want a debate about "family values issues," why don't you debate me? I've been to law school, too, you fucktard. I remember taking Con law and I remember fuckwit pricks like you who married teachers and screwed around on them constantly while acting like the were the most Christian of men. My only question to you in this forum is whether or not you're a top or a bottom because my suspicion is you are a saggy bottom and a finger in your ass just isn't good enough any more.

Bring it on fucktool, if you have balls enough.


Blogger Neal Synephrine said...

Hey, I think a debate would be great. Maybe the voters would figure out they're both idiots and we'd have a chance of being rid of them next time.

2:49 PM  
Blogger The Raving Badger said...

Nothing wrong with Hillary. We've been fed way too much propaganda by the right wingnuts. So, she's smart? That certainly better than the asswipe in charge now. And I would hazard to venture that her mons is larger than Ricky's pathetic balls and Dubya's peepee put together (now isn't that a sight to imagine) together. This explains why Rethuglican men hate her so much- penis envy.

3:45 PM  

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