January 20, 2005

Fucking Fuckers and Other Annoying Twats

I wish I had the god-like ability to reach inside my TV and strangle the fuckers who are supposed to be journalists today. It's like everyone suddenly was Stepford-ized and George Bush is their everlovin' sweetie-pie. WTF??

Shrub and his cronies are spending $200M on this BS waste of an Inauguration. $66M of that is just so federal DC area employees can have a day off. The rest is being spent on fancy food, wine, security, PA systems and hormone shots for Bill Frist (it's a girl, Baby!). When we have a tsunami disaster, under funding of schools and a myriad of fucked situations facing our country, the Chimp-In-Chief thinks it's wise to dump a bunch of money for a party honoring his coronation. And not one damn journalist is calling him on it.

Instead, we get a step-by-step of: "President Bush will take exactly 29 steps to get to the toilet. After the President relieves himself, Condi Rice will shake twice and place him back in his Brooks Brothers blue boxers. Thereafter, Karl Rove will zip him with his teeth. Karl has trimmed his nose hairs extra close today so that he does not get stuck in the zipper. That was almost a catastrophe last time that happened. They had to send in the National Guard." Blah, blah, fucking blah.

I was raised with the notion that the press was supposed to serve a watchdog function in our society. Instead, we're seeing guys like Armstrong getting a cool quarter mil to reverse course and support No Child Left Behind. Armstrong has given his BS apologies (hint: motherfucker you cannot apologize for wasting our trust so you can buy a new Mercedes S-class) and states there are others on the Nazi... errr, I mean Bush payroll.

So instead of outing the assholes that abuse our trust and waste our time, they report on the latest styles the Bush twins will wear to all of the balls. They tell us it is exactly 29 degrees, overcast and that Sen. Harkin is wearing a fedora. They don't show us the protests or tell us why the protests cannot be held in DC, they don't even tell us that the Homeland Security monies meant to protect us are protecting some asshole from Merck.

We are in trouble. Deep trouble.


Blogger Unknown said...

This rabid nationalism is a bit much isn't it?

It makes me feel a little better today that at least we know there are a bunch of really hungover Republicans. If you see one, talk really loud! ;-)

9:37 AM  

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